So many photography websites, so little time! Many people use an RSS reader like Google Reader to stay up to date and thats awesome if youre sitting at your computer, but what if youre out? PhotoVerse gives you a simple and clean interface to keep up with the photo industry no matter where you are. The app covers news, tips, how-tos, reviews, photo blogs, and more. Right now it pulls in the headlines from the most popular sites out there but it would be nice if it also displayed more of a post summary so you could decide if you really wanted to read it. With one tap on the headline it takes you to the article using mobile Safari. If the blog publisher hasnt optimized their site for mobile it may be hard to read without zooming and scrolling but those who use WPTouch (or similar), it makes for a pretty decent mobile experience.
This is a great app for photographers and for 99 cents you cant go wrong.
Trev02 about PhotoVerse